You wonder if you can keep pushing down your emotional baggage the way you always have.
How can you let go of the emotional burdens you have held onto for so long? How can you truly heal?
You can’t even picture what the next version of yourself will look like, the one that lives freely without that weight.
I know, I know. You’re doing “just fine” right now. You are generally happy and loving life. But when you stop to think about it, you know how much you are holding onto. You know where it affects your relationships. You know the things that can trigger tears that well up from deep inside you.
Let me tell you because I know, and I’ve been where you are: you can’t.
Birth is one of the most POWERFUL things you will ever experience, and it takes ALL of you. EVERY LAST BIT.
That means all the emotions you have stuffed down will come to the surface.
It’s beautiful that it happens this way.
Birth is designed by God to bring us to the next level of ourselves. It allows us to evolve.
Each child that we birth recreates us into the new mother of that child, a slightly wiser, stronger version of ourselves than we were before.
Of course, you don't have to do the emotional work.
You can keep pushing it down, like I did the first time around.
And birth will drag you through your lessons kicking, screaming, and miserable. Any blockages you are experiencing will hamper the progress of your birth. (Literally - labor can take longer or stall if an emotional blockage needs to be addressed.) The hormones of birth will amplify the feelings you already have.
That path is an option, but I'm begging you not to choose it! I know it can be so much better for you if you do your preparation now.
Begin the healing process. Work through your baggage, your fears, your tension.
If you do this, you can work with this birth experience rather than against it. You can embrace the lessons. And you will soar.
For me before my first birth, I didn’t know how to even begin the healing journey, and it felt scary to try.
Now I've done the work. I’ve found the tools you need. I work holistically, body, mind, emotions, spirit. I can help you release the negative energy of your past and develop the skills you need to feel emotionally healthy moving forward.
It’s time to let go and embrace wholeness. And when you do, not only will your labor experience be better, and not only will your new baby benefit from your healing energy, but your life will feel better and richer in so many other ways that we can’t even predict right now. It’s worth it. Let’s do it.
Book a free call here and we'll make a personalized plan for you.
Note: If you are still not sure whether you're personal emotional baggage is relevant to birth, Marie Mongan (the author of Hypnobirthing: Mongan Method) says to consider these topics:
-Personal experience of being born (was it positive or negative?)
-Others’ birth stories
-Previous labor
-Your support system
-Your marriage/relationship
-Your career
-Medical care
-Prior relationships
-Personal experience of abuse
Triggers around any of these subjects could lead to tension that shows up in labor.
If that feels big, don’t worry.
Perfect healing is not required for a positive birth experience.
One step forward at a time is enough. Your trajectory is what matters most.
I work with women using a combination of physical tools (including birth dance and strengthening exercises) and emotional healing tools to prepare them for a confident, empowered birth experience.
I was not perfectly healed before my second birth. (Does perfect healing even happen in this life?) And yet my birth experience and my life were transformed in incredible ways because of the effort I made to prepare.
The blessings were so far reaching I began helping other women to do the same thing.
Book a free call here and we'll make a personalized plan for you.